Category Archives: Obsessions

Celebrities That Suffer From Obsessive Behavior…


Girl-of-the-moment Lena Dunham talks candidly about her battle with obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety.

 The 26-year-old creator and star of HBO’s “Girls” says she took antidepressants in high school, and was obsessed with the number eight.

“I remember saying to my mom when I was little, ‘I just had to imagine having sex with you eight times,'” she says in the magazine, “and she really took it in stride! She was like, ‘Well, it’s your imagination; it didn’t really happen.

Celebrities That Suffer from Obsessive Behavior….


Singer and actor Justin Timberlake has said that he suffers from both attention-deficit disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. “You try living with that,” he laments. “It’s complicated.” Timberlake’s OCD behaviors include an obsession with lining objects up and feeling that he absolutely must have a certain food item in the house at all times.

Celebrities have obsessions too!


 Katy Perry
Katy Perry has admitted to being very concerned about cavities. Generally, that’s a healthy attitude, but Perry brushes her teeth six times a day and keeps 20 new toothbrushes on hand at all times, which leads us to wonder: quirky habit or strange addiction? If it later comes out that her brushing regimen has caused gum erosion and loss of enamel, yet she was unable to quit the cleaning, we’ll call it an addiction. But until then, we we’ll just sit back and enjoy her (exceedingly) pearly whites.

Celebrities That Suffer From Obsessive Behavior…..


David Beckham

International soccer star David Beckham’s OCD expresses itself by an obsession with pairing items and organizing them by color or type. According to his wife Victoria, Beckham has purchased three refrigerators so that he can have one for drinks, one for salads, and one for other foods. The items must be in even numbers, as well. “If there’s three cans of Diet Coke, he’d throw one away instead of having three–because it has to be an even number.”

Celebrities That suffer from Obsessive Behavior…


Titanic and Shutter Island star Leonardo DiCaprio was obsessed with sidewalks as a child, often going back over his walking routes to repeatedly step on cracks or gum stains. Doorways also triggered his OCD. DiCaprio admits he allowed his compulsive tendencies to worsen in order to better play his role as film producer/director and fellow OCD sufferer Howard Hughes in the movie Aviator.

Celebrities have obsessions too!


 Olivia Munn
The model, author and star of “The Newsroom” says that she can’t stop pulling her eyelashes out, a disorder known as trichotillomania. On dealing with anxiety, she said, “I don’t bite my nails, but I rip my eyelashes.”