Category Archives: Words of Wisdom

Change it Up!


Get out of your comfort zone today! Think out of the box! Maybe sneak a peek at my blog when you are working, heehee.

Words of Wisdom…

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.

Helen Keller


This is like the saying ” Everything Happens for a reason” Look beyond the disappointment, you may be surprised!

Have a good day and see what happens when one door closes today!

Words of Wisdom…

You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question.

Albert Camus

OMG!! This is so True! How many times have you met a charming person and told them things they didn’t even ask? Sales people are charming and can talk you into purchases because you can’t say no!